The Reality Report: Episode 107

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Episode 107

Part seven of another mind-map ramble with Miriam. I continue speculating about homeopathy, placebos and the role of belief in medicine. This leads to the question of how far (if there's anything in it) this could go, in terms of a collective "willing" of reality into certain shapes. The idea of a tech-free route to utopia, along the lines of the Transcendental Meditation movement's attempts to lower crime rates, etc. through mass meditation, is discussed. Wondering what a "techno-utopian cosmology" would look like, I'm reminded of James Garndner's "biocosm" hypothesis, the idea of "computronium", etc. This brings us back to AI safety, but we soon change tack and end up looking into modern druidry in Britain, Winston Churchill's involvement in this and a supposedly druidic symbol with links to both the Monarchy and the surveying of the land. Returning to our list of topics, we begin to tackle the "freeman" movement, starting by noting the magick-like nature of legal practice.


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